Waking up with a smile
Brushing teeth with Dora toothpaste
Pigtails-picking just the right color hair bands
Getting dressed, including magic Dora panties from Grandy(we are nearly potty trained!)
Breakfast-with the pink pig plate
Potty time
Big Hugs
Sweet kisses
Reading books
Doing puzzles
Potty time
Watching Nick Jr.
Playing in her "kitchen"
Lunch-with the pink pig plate
Potty time
Big Hugs
Sweet kisses
Pool time
Snack time
Potty time
Riding her bike
Doing Hula-hoop
Playing on the swing set-a.k.a. Grandy's Playland
Helping Grandy water flowers
Potty time
Playing with GP in the barn
Big Hugs
Sweet Kisses
Dinner-with the pink pig plate
Playing catch with GP
Potty time
Swinging on GP's tire swing
Playing with doll babies
Sticker book
Bath time
Potty time
Brushing teeth with Dora toothpaste
Big Hugs
Sweet Kisses
Watching Curious George in her Dora bed
Grandy snuggled up with her
Going to sleep with a big smile
Night-night...sweet dreams.
Oh, and just one more thing...
a heart filled with so much love for such a "littlebird"...there are no words to describe.
I can not wait for morning to do it all again!