Sunday, April 19, 2009

Reservations at the Inn

Well...the Money Pit has truly become our dream home. We have lots to do yet, but even if we don't do another is definitely a dream come true.

Today as we were leaving to get Sunday breakfast at the local diner...gotta love the east coast diners...and we saw the first baby geese of the season. We have had a flock of geese here on the property for the last couple months, and we knew they had laid their eggs close by. Sure enough...the first "family" was out for a Sunday stroll.

Cailyn's daddy, Chris, was visiting over Easter. He took a walk through the woods and saw a herd of deer..."15 whitetails" he described them...watering at a pond that borders our property.

And today I looked out the back window and saw a bunch of daffodils blooming in the middle of the woods. Not sure who planted them...but I sure am enjoying the sight!

It is so peaceful and beautiful here. We are in the process of building a screened porch and pool with hot tub. All we need now to complete the dream is for our friends to travel here and enjoy it with us! We would love to have you all come for a visit soon!!

The "Inn" is book your reservation!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Icing on the Cake

It has been a wonderful Easter!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed having all my "little" birds here in our new nest (AKA the Money Pit). Leigh surprised us by arriving Wednesday night...we had not expected her to come at all. Jessie arrived Thursday...Will Friday...and Carrie, Cailyn and Chris on Saturday. I was in Heaven! Who could ask for anything more??

We visited our old church in NJ, where my Mom was "saving" seats for us. We come from an old Presbyterian church where years ago you actually purchased your seats in the pews. They no longer follow that practice, but we sit in the same pew location as my great grandmother's family did some hundreds of years ago. The church celebrated it's 250th "birthday" in that makes it...269 years old now!

Wait, I was not supposed to be blogging about my old church, but my wonderful Easter. They are, however, greatly connected thanks to our risen Lord!!

So...back to my Easter week...I am so in love with my grandbaby Cailyn! She is nothing but joy...even when she is throwing a tantrum typical of her age. And the "soon to be here" grandbaby boy has been very active in his mommy's tummy!! He will arrive around June 11th...can't wait!!

I love my "little birds" with all of my heart, and cherish every moment I am with them, but a grandchild is totally different. It is all of the rewards, and none of the pain that goes with parenting. It is the icing on the cake you learned how to master undercooked it...overcooked it...forgot ingredients...mismeasured ingredients...added ingredients that you thought would help the recipe, only to find out differently...and definitely ate way too much of, but loved every bite!

I am so looking forward to this summer when I know the "little birds" will all "fly back" and spend time with us again. And included in that trip will be our new grandbaby boy!!!

More icing...different flavor...all the sweetest part of the cake!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A computer by any other name...

Depending on who you talk to my honey and I are either young or old.

My parents, and anyone over 40 refer to us as young...this is a good I do not feel old...and "they" (who are "they", anyway?) say you are as young as you feel. Therefore...on a daily basis...I range in age anywhere from 30-60! It is a mental thing...but is usually determined by an ache or pain...or lack there of.

Our kids...on the other hand...have been known to say on occasion..."you and Dad are so old!" This comment, at times, has been painful to hear...but mostly is just shrugged off as part of the circle of life. At times I look at them and can not figure out how I can have children so close to my own age. Mental...or better known as "off your rocker"???

My honey and I are pretty much "in the times" with all the new gadgets and stuff. I, on occasion, have had to ask assistance of my children on how to work a certain feature on a gadget...let's say my cellphone for instance...but I learn quickly. There is NO truth to the "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" theory.

So...we know about the gadgets...we can work them with enough knowledge to get by in this world...and look like we know what we are doing. But...sometimes the "empty nest age" clicks into gear...we have a brief moment of senility...forgetfullness...and just stumble along. My honey and I have reached the point where we try to assist each other when this happens before anyone else realizes we have had a brain "bump".

My honey had just such a moment the other day. I did not correct him...because it really was quite comical...and made for a good laugh...which "they" say is the best medicine and helps you to live longer! What did he do??? This man...a very intelligent corporate executive...was talking about his computer...but forgot what the word was for computer...just a momentary brain "bump" he called it the first thing that came to his mind....................

the "EMAIL MACHINE". I is can laugh.

One thing good about getting older is that you can laugh at your own mistakes...and really don't care if others laugh at you!!

After "they" say...a computer by any other still a computer!