Friday, June 24, 2011

Whoopsie Daisy!

My honey and I took a trip to MN for a wedding and to visit old friends. The traveling part was filled with frustrating moments. I feel a pattern here with my family and traveling. Maybe it's time to just settle in at the BlessInn and let everyone visit us. I kind of like that idea!

So we head out of our little local airport and when we arrive there was a delay with takeoff. Of course. We finally got on our way, but since we were going through Chicago we were already concerned. We do not have a great track record at Chicago. Nope...not at all. After checking our tickets we realized we had only 15 minutes to catch our connecting flight. This can't be good.

So my honey and I made a plan. He is the KING OF CARRY ON! I like to check anything I possibly can. So his bag was stored under the plane because nobody's bags really fit in the overhead compartment, now do they? I am totally confused by the CARRY ON concept...other than it is free! But you then have to stand in line and wait for them to retrieve your bag...kind of like a mini version of the luggage carousel.

So, here was the plan...I would "run ahead" and tell them at our connecting flight that they needed to wait for my honey...and of course his golf clubs...while he waited for his bag. Sounds simple. We were at a gate at the far end of G and I had to get to a gate at the far end of H. So off I went "running" out of the gate as fast as a 50-something...out of shape...over weight woman can run while carrying her tote full of everything she might possibly need for a 4 hour travel day. Do you have the visual?

So I'm plugging along...huffing and puffing...going as fast as I can...when rubber soled sneaker stuck to the floor and the momentum kept my body moving forward. I know I am about to fall...but typical in a time like is all in V..E..R..Y....S..L..O..W....M..O..T..I..O..N. I finally landed...first knees...then elbows...then kind of rolled on to my belly. Geesh...I hate when that happens! I looked up and at least 400 pairs of eyes were looking at me sprawled on the floor. I quickly jumped up...laughing...saying I'm ok...I'm ok! I really did not know if I was ok...but everything seemed to be in place. I picked up my bag and off I went....realizing "OJ Simpson, I am not!"

I arrived at the gate, out of breath, saying "did I miss the flight!?" The gate keeper said "no" and hurriedly opened the door for me. I asked them to please wait for my honey....who was right behind me...and of course his golf clubs that just had to make it on this plane. He had a 3:30 tee time after all! I got to the plane and asked the flight attendant for a glass of water. As I am walking down the aisle of this very large and FULL plane...drink in hand...every person looked like I was next on their "hit list". I figured they were upset thinking the plane was being held for this woman who just came from the bar! As I approached my seat apologizing for having arrived so late someone said..."well, we aren't going anywhere anyway...the generator is not working!" So...why was I running again????

My honey finally arrived and settled in next to me and I shared the good news of our delay...and the story of my "trip" to the gate. At this point I was beginning to feel every point of contact with the floor...and places that hadn't hit the floor! After waiting for an hour for the generator to be fixed they had us deplane. They moved us to another gate where another plane sat waiting for us...a miracle for Chicago airport!

Oh, I forgot to mention that once again I had coordinated flights so that we could meet our little bird, Carrie, in MN...landing at the same time. My honey kept stressing to her that she had better be at the luggage carousel waiting for us because we had a 2 hour drive to Alexandria...and he had a 3:30 tee time! Well, she was at the luggage carousel...and we were still in Chicago sitting on a broken airplane! The best made plans...

We finally did arrive in MN safely, met our little bird and got on the road arriving just in time for my honey's tee time.

I am a little a lot sore...but happy to have arrived and to visit with the friends I missed so much!

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